About Me

Southeast University 
From 2017 to 2021, I studied at Southeast University, majoring in Computer Science and Technology.
Shaofu Yang
Affine transformation of distributed unmanned vehicle platoon
Undergraduate thesis
Shenzhen Institute of Computing Science July 2021 - present
Backend Engineer
December 2023 - presentEngaged in the system backend development work of ToB and ToG, and participated in the delivery of multiple projects. The main development languages are Go and Python.
Algorithm Engineer
July 2021 - December 2023Engaged in the development of big data graph data mining algorithms, the main development languages are Go and Python.
Mainly responsible for the new function iteration and daily maintenance of the Fishing Fort Data Analysis System. The "Fishing Fort System" is a big data rule mining system based on graph data. The core of its mining algorithm is implemented by the relevant papers (DGFD, GAR, etc.) of the chief scientist of the institute: Wenfei Fan.
Systems Analyst
Advanced 2024
Computer Technology and Software Professional Technical Qualification. Resume
MicroservicesDistributed SystemRedisMySQL