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What is a Consistent Hash Algorithm?

About 1157 wordsAbout 4 min

Big DataDistributed


"Consistent Hash" seems to be a confusing name, because the result of the hash function should be the same no matter where it is calculated, so why is there a consistency problem?

In fact, we proposed the concept of Consistent Hash to solve the problem in distributed storage. In distributed storage, different machines will store data of different objects, and we use hash functions to establish a mapping relationship between data and servers. So why is there "inconsistency"?

What does hash inconsistency mean?

Let's consider a distributed storage scenario:

Now we need to store 10 data D1,D2,,D10D_1, D_2, \dots, D_{10} in 3 machine nodes (M0,M1,M2M_0, M_1, M_2). We can certainly use a mapping table to maintain the mapping relationship between data and machines, but that means we need to store an additional table and have to maintain it constantly. Even this table may not be able to store as the data increases. Then we naturally think of using a Hash function to calculate the mapping between data and machine nodes, so we have the following formula:

m=hash(o)  mod  nm = hash(o) \ \ mod \ \ n

Where oo is the name of the data object, nn is the number of machines, and mm is the machine node number where the storage object is calculated.

According to this formula, we can easily get the following mapping:

Machine numberData
0D3,D6,D9D_3, D_6, D_9
1D1,D4,D7,D10D_1, D_4, D_7, D_{10}
2D2,D5,D8D_2, D_5, D_8

If we add a machine at this time, After n=4n = 4, the mapping can be recalculated:

Machine numberData
0D4,D8D_4, D_8
1D1,D5,D9D_1, D_5, D_9
2D2,D6,D10D_2, D_6, D_{10}
3D3,D7D_3, D_7

Obviously, except for D1andD2D_1 and D_2, which have not changed the machine node, all other data have changed the storage machine. This means that when a machine node is added to the storage cluster, a large amount of data migration will occur, which undoubtedly adds a lot of pressure to the network and disk, and may even cause the database to crash in severe cases.

So the consistency of Hash does not mean that the results of repeated calculations of the Hash function are inconsistent, but that this calculation leads to data migration. So is it possible for us to reduce this data migration? Yes, Consistency Hash Algorithm can ensure that when machine nodes are increased or decreased, data migration between nodes is limited to two nodes, Without causing global network problems.

Consistent Hash usage scenarios

The Consistent Hash algorithm is a very important algorithm in distributed systems, mainly used in:

  • Load balancing
  • Cache data partitioning
  • Distributed relational database node mapping
  • RPC framework Duddo is used to select service providers

Algorithm implementation

The entire algorithm mainly transfers the hash value space to a ring-shaped virtual space, and then maps the machine nodes and data. Let's take a look at the implementation process based on the example of data and machine node mapping mentioned above:

  1. Create a hash ring Unlike general hash functions that map data to a linear space, we consider mapping the hash value space into a virtual ring space. If the value of the entire hash space is: 023210 \sim 2^{32}-1, then we arrange it clockwise so that the last node 23212^{32}-1 overlaps at the starting position 0.
Ring Hash Space
Ring Hash Space
  1. Map data to the Hash ring Assume that there are 4 data objects o1,o2,o3,o4o_1, o_2, o_3, o_4, calculate the Hash value for each of them, and get the result m1,m2,m3,m4m_1, m_2, m_3, m_4. Place these four results on the Hash ring.
Data objects mapped to the Hash ring
Data objects mapped to the Hash ring
  1. Map the server to the Hash ring Perform Hash calculation on the IP addresses of the 3 servers c1,c2,c3c_1, c_2, c_3, and perform 2322^{32} modulo on the Hash value to get an integer t1,t2,t3t_1, t_2, t_3 with a value between 023210 \sim 2^{32}-1. Map the integer after modulo on the Hash ring.
Mapping machine nodes to the Hash ring
Mapping machine nodes to the Hash ring
  1. Selecting machine nodes for data storage Each data object selects the machine closest to it in a clockwise direction for storage.
Data object selects machine node
Data object selects machine node

The above has completed the calculation process of the entire Consistent Hash Algorithm. Next, let's take a look at the two scenarios mentioned at the beginning of the article: what changes will occur in the mapping between data and machines in adding machine nodes and deleting machine nodes.

Adding machine nodes

Now add a machine c4c_4, and get the integer t4t_4 after taking the Hash value modulo, and add it to the Hash ring.

Hash ring after adding machine nodes
Hash ring after adding machine nodes

It can be seen that unlike the situation at the beginning of the article where a large amount of data needs to change the machine node, now we only need to change a data object o4o_4, and remove it from t3t_3 is reallocated to t4t_4.

Reduce machine nodes

Similarly, if we reduce a machine c1c_1, after reallocating the machines, we find that only object o2o_2 is reallocated to c3c_3, and other data does not need to be changed.

Hash ring after reducing machine nodes
Hash ring after reducing machine nodes

Possible problems

Load imbalance

This is a problem that consistent hashing can easily encounter. Generally speaking, we hope that data is evenly distributed on all machines, including after adding or removing machines. But observing the example of [adding nodes](/article/vpa4ql0t/#Adding machine nodes) mentioned earlier, after adding machine c4c_4, it only shares the pressure of c2c_2. We can imagine that if we add node c5c_5 again, unfortunately the hash value of the new node falls between t4t_4 and t2t_2 again, Then the newly added nodes cannot be assigned any data. It can be seen that adding machine nodes may not necessarily reduce the pressure of data load.

So how to solve it?

Solution: Virtual Node

Let's use the above example: For machines c1,c2,c3c_1, c_2, c_3, in addition to being directly mapped to the Hash ring to form three nodes, each node also has two additional virtual nodes. The more virtual nodes there are, the more evenly the data is distributed on the machine.

After adding virtual nodes to the Hash ring
After adding virtual nodes to the Hash ring

You can understand that we have added another layer of mapping from virtual machine nodes to actual machine nodes.


The Consistent Hash Algorithm solves the problem that when machines are added or reduced in a distributed environment, simple modulus operations cannot obtain a high hit rate.

Through the use of virtual nodes, the Consistent Hash Algorithm can evenly share the load of the machine, making this algorithm more realistic.


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